Friday, December 17, 2010

Don't Do Business With Family

   If there is one thing my dad has taught me it is not to do business with family.  He tells me if I want to help out a family member, just give them the money as a gift.  Do not expect them to repay you then you will not be disappointed.  This could cause hard feelings if the family member does not repay you in a timely manner. 
   My mom’s family is always doing business together, and every time my mom tells us a story about it, my dad starts to go crazy.  One simple mistake could split the family apart, which is something no one wants.  My Aunt moved into a patio home my Nana owns.  To make a long story short, the whole deal went bad really fast.  It caused hard feelings with many family members.  Even though everyone has forgiven each other, the incident will never be forgotten.

  By watching my family, I have learned to not do business with family.  Although everyone may have the   best of intentions going into a deal, too many things can go wrong.  It is not worth hard feelings within the family to make such a risk.


  1. Sadly Jenny, every family has this problem every once in a while. I myself sometimes do business with my cousin, and he hardly ever pays me what he promises. Many times I’ve had to go around him to get the money; which is sad because someone shouldn’t have to do that for something they worked for. This disagreement has caused me and my cousin to fight, so I’ve also learned this lesson.

  2. I can understand where your dad is coming from Jenny. I have seen it happen in my family and its very disturbing to see family fight, especially over money.
