Friday, December 17, 2010

Don't Procrastinate

I learned the hard way to not procrastinate.  Several times I have waited until the last minute to start a school project.  Then I end up spending my entire weekend trying to complete it.  Now I try to pace myself and do a little each night. 
   For example, when we were reading Dante’s Inferno in history, I did the study guide for one canto every night instead of waiting to do ten the night before they were due.  By pacing myself, not only do I have more free time on the weekends, my projects usually end up better than they would have had I waited until the last minute.

  I encourage everyone to not wait until the last minute to start a project.  Otherwise, you will experience unnecessary stress while working on the assignment.  Also, you will probably not do the best job you are capable of since you feel extra pressure from the deadline.


  1. Good job with Dante's Inferno! I wish I would've done that. I always ended up doing a lot in one night.

  2. For some odd reason that I do not know this year I have not been stressed at all when I procrastinate on projects. I did history fair, science fair, and other projects in one weekend and wasn't stressed at all because somehow I knew that it would all get done.

  3. I also wrote a blog about procrastination and I wish I did that with Dante's Inferno. I had to do all the cantos on one night. I wish I could also learn to not procrastinate.
