Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It’s Better to Do the Right Thing Simply Because it’s the Right Thing to Do, Not For the Credit.

  Doing the right thing without wanting credit shows real character in a person.   So many people want to be praised for every good act they do.  I think that spirit defeats the purpose of doing something nice. 
   Everyone needs help from time to time.  It takes one person doing something generous to start a chain of nice gestures. One of my mom’s coworkers would always write checks to families in need and not want my mom to tell anybody who wrote the check.  I think this person assisted people with the right spirit.
  Instead of being nice then bragging about it, you should do the generous deed just for the sake of being generous. Doing one nice thing and bragging about it doesn’t make you a good person.  If you give in the right spirit, you will reap the benefits.


  1. I have relized in the recent past that I thrive off positive comments. It may be sad, but rather than just bieng happy that I did something good, I NEED someone to notice. Im not sure if that makes me a bad person or not, but it helps me alot.

  2. I love this! And John I understand what you mean too. After doing things for people and never being praised for it, yes it can feel like your doing them for no reason, but you really are. When I help someone with something or am nice to someone it's not because I want the attention and it's not because I want something in return. I simply do it because I believe it's whats right. I feel good when I do something for someone else and I know whether they say so or not that they do appreciate it.
